Equilibrium - Rehabilitation Services
Veterinary Physical Rehabilitation Therapy

Our therapy is overseen by DVM's trained in rehabilitation and rehabilitation related modalities. It all starts with an initial assessment (usually 1.25 hours; 30 min history taking, the rest of the time is assessing your fur friend's body from head to tail, including movement), and time permitting, a gentle therapy session. A plan is made to address the needs of your fur friend, with your considerations and concerns in mind. A variety of modalities can be selected from depending on what our doctors feel is a good fit for your fur friend. Recommendations are made for immediate, short and longer term care with estimates provided to you so you can budget. Insurance may or may not cover your sessions (check first with your provider), but we are happy to help you with the paperwork (just bring your forms to the first visit). Your DVM and/or specialist is always updated after each visit to complete your fur friend's medical record. Patient-centred care is a priority. Once a referral has been sent, clients may book by contacting our clinic directly.
Tailor-made care…with every visit...
Every visit involves assessing pain and dysfunction. Specific modalities are selected based after every visit and assessment and often vary:
Pain Management Program
Identifying and managing pain is a keystone of a successful rehabilitation program. Monitoring for pain is always ongoing. When managing pain, it is not always about using drugs, nor is it about forsaking them when they would be most beneficial. It is about managing pain effectively to prevent the development of pain states that are difficult to control. After assessing your pet, I will come up with an integrative pain program that is appropriate to manage you re pet's pain. Your pet's underlying health and other conditions are always considered.
Cold Laser (Class 3b) and HILT (Class 4) Dual Wave, Multi Cycle Therapy
Increases circulation, and decreases swelling while stimulating and changing cellular function to aid healing. Useful for pain or nerve damage, osteoarthritis, wound healing or muscle strains. Very effective for neck pain. An alternative to needles for acupuncture point treatment in sensitive patients. Well tolerated by most patients. Contraindications - suspected tumours, some infections.
Acupuncture (Dry Needle and Electroacupuncture)
Advanced research supports the evidence-base of acupuncture. Stimulation of various acupuncture locations stimulates production of natural endorphins or pain killers in the body, as well as activating the body's other innate pain killing systems to reduce the brain's perception of pain. Electro-acupuncture is very effective for managing back pain and other sources of chronic pain. Surprisingly tolerated by many patients (with different needle types available for the "sensitives" in the house!). Contraindications - care with needle placement over thorax/abdomen and not in areas of suspected tumors. Adverse Reactions - occasional redness, swelling or bleeding at the site. Tiredness may occur 24-48 hrs following therapy.
Electrical Stimulation
Different types of currents (IFC, microcurrent, TENS, NMES) can be applied for a variety of effects from stimulating muscle and nerves to reducing pain and swelling. Some devices are prescribed for home use as they are affordable and well suited to the home care setting. Electrical stimulation may also be applied to muscles during targeted exercises. Contraindications - not placed in areas of suspected tumors, over the heart/brain or sensitive areas (abdomen). Adverse Reactions - patient sensitivity may occur at higher intensities.
Therapeutic Ultrasound
Use of high-frequency sound waves to penetrate tissues and aid healing of soft-tissue injuries by improving circulation and reducing swelling. The thermal effects improve flexibility by restoring collagen alignment of muscle structures or tissues surrounding a joint. Contraindications - not placed over open growth plates, over reproductive organs, suspected tumors. Adverse Reactions - tissue overheating at higher intensities.
A cool, functional and colorful accessory, this tape is not just for Olympic athletes anymore! Best used on short coated dogs. Can be applied for body awareness, pain control or to provide light stability in some cases. Packages with instructions are available for purchase with instructions for ongoing application if you buy your own tape. Useful for neurological conditions as well. Contraindications - renal disease, tumors, pregnancy. Adverse Events - local reaction to tissue adhesive in hairless animals may occur.
Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency (PEMF)
PEMF is the relative new kid on the block with respects to pain control and is not as recognized as it should be for pain control. The Assisi Loop is an FDA approved device, that has been tested rigorously. Works through the nitric oxide system to reduce pain, swelling and inflammation. Purchased as a home device, and used in clinic during treatments. Very useful for neck and joint pain. Can be used in conjunction with the Loop Aid as a wearable.
Underwater Treadmill (UWTM) - Available if determined appropriate on initial assessment by our therapists
In select patients, it can improve joint range of motion, help rebuild muscle, improve weight bearing and encourage general conditioning during rehabilitation. We take advantage of water's special properties to soothe, massage, compress, float and resist the body's movements to get your dog moving in a fun, controlled way. Great for athletes too. Best when combined with other modalities and therapies to maximize benefits.
Application of cold to reduce blood flow to an area in the earlier stages of inflammation or injury to decrease pain and inflammation. Useful immediately after injury or post-operatively up to a few weeks in the post-injury or post-op period. Part of the R (Rest), I (Ice), C (Compression), E (Elevation) practice in human sports medicine.
Application of heat to improve circulation, reduce pain and improve flexibility. Usually very soothing and relaxing. Often used in conjunction with massage and chronic conditions.
Massage and Aromatherapy
A variety of hand strokes applied to muscles and the fascial system to reduce the presence of trigger points, aid circulation, reduce pain and improve swelling (esp. lymphatic massage). Also very relaxing for many patients. Often combined with pain relieving oils or aromatherapy (oil choice selected by the patient). Cats are sensitive to essential oils so aromatherapy is quite selective. Clients love essential oils too, and relaxing the pet parent makes for a better clinic experience in many cases! Contraindications - care during pregnancy, fractures, neuropathic pain. Adverse Reactions - mild soreness for 24-48 hrs following treatment.
Therapeutic Exercise
The foundation of a great rehabilitation program is exercise prescription. A good program addresses the following: muscle activation and timing, postural reactions, core activation, structural integration, neuro-motor retraining, body awareness, coordination, mobility, stability, flexibility and last but not least....strength. Strength depends on so many factors, and is often the most sought after. Patience grasshopper, patience. Dogs love using physio equipment - cavaletti poles, steps, wobble boards, inflatable discs, and other do-dads to work their bodies. Your time is valuable so key exercises are always emphasized.
...helping your best friend find their stride in life...
Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Counselling
How effective would a rehab program be if your dog continued to slide around on slippery floors at home? Various recommendations are made to assist your dog, cat, rabbit in the home environment to prevent (re)injury and give you perspective on how they see the world!
Device Measuring, Ordering and Fitting (Braces, Wraps, Cart Fitting, Harnesses)
Braces, joint wraps, back braces, and custom fitting equipment should be measured and fitted by a rehabilitation professional. This saves you time and money and is often required by the makers of this equipment. When and where applicable, use of these devices is discussed and cost estimates given prior to purchase. Often covered by more comprehensive insurance plans.
Palliative Care Options
If your loved one has been diagnosed with a terminal or chronic condition, you may be looking for supportive options. This may be a cancer diagnosis, or other disease with no particular cure. Equilibrium provides pain management and monitoring solutions as well as coaching for the care-giver. We understand this is a difficult time for you and your loved one and want to help you on this path.
Shockwave Therapy
Use of sound waves to create a mechanical change in tissue to help encourage healing (tendons/ligaments) and reduce pain in joints. Good research supports using it for hip osteoarthritis in dogs. Also useful for tendinopathies (biceps/supraspinatus) and other joint pain (stifle, elbow). Contraindications - not over open growth plates, the spine, fractures or suspected tumors. Adverse Events - patients must be kept on strict activity control for 7-10 days following use at is is a good analgesic and patient may overdo exercise if activity not controlled.